Friday, November 18, 2011


Life is about meetings...
meeting up with friends, family, colleagues, boss, strangers...
formal, informal...
serious, relax, business, casual...

every meeting is an opportunity...
opportunity to know others and ourselves...
how others think, how others response to how we think...
how we response to how others thinks, others responses...
it's always learning curve..
knowing how far, how mature we have become...

was having a rather serious meeting the other day...
then i almost lost it...
but praise God i decided to stay calm, keep my cool...
though i felt terrible after the meeting..
but Angela told me (after everything ended)
"You did well, i really think you handled the meeting well"
really? i couldn't believe... i guess... i have grown up...

i think when i was young (still young) my skill in handling meetings...
were really bad...
not that i have become so good at it...
but i really thank God for helping me...
i have changed.. i have grown up..
i have learned to hold a meeting...
hopefully it was an enjoyable one...

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