Friday, October 21, 2011


tried google translation - the meaning is alternative...
somehow it didn't give the correct meaning...
i think it's more like adapt to the situation by changing styles and patterns...
ha, can it be simpler?

anyway.. why this 'word'? bcoz this is what i did to cell today...
seriously, i don't have magic tools to make cell better...
actually i don't think i have full understanding for cell..
nor do i have any capabilities to make one cell successful...
i know top 2 qualities of a growing and successful cell leader, i.e. close relationship with God..
and pray for cell member frequently...
i guess when one is close to God and keep praying for members...
he/she will know exactly what to do, how to care, right time, right way...
so instead of focusing on how do i change cell styles to make it appealing for members...
which i think it's a wrong footing to start with...
one should think how to 'feed' the lamb, what are their needs...
then the cell will be appealing to people..

not saying i have all the answer but i tried today....
i felt that cell members needed visitation, just care for them...
don't talk too much of teaching and correction..
care should come first...
so i arranged everyone to visit Marcus and Faye...
well, it went pretty well, good time of P&W...
then updates from everyone..
then end with prayer for one another...
for the first time, cell took less than 90mins...
we left the house before 10.15pm...
from there 3 of us (Chong, Patrick - new friend and myself)
went for supper and we chit chat further...
was it good? i can't say for sure but i hope it brings some fresh breeze to cell..
i am not worried if cell needs to close down (for whatever reason)...
i only desire to make sure that everyone is cared for...
so i guess, 变通 is a good way..
hopefully we 变 and more areas will be 通...

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