Monday, April 2, 2012

love to read

like to read...
when i was young, much younger.. i like to read comic...
then slightly older, started to read chinese story books...

i never thought i'd finish reading any english story book..
remember years ago i bought the 2nd book of "left behind" series..
started but never finish...
finally i was introduced to CS Lewis' books - Chronicles of Narnia..
it was so captivating  that i finished the series... TWICE!!!

i don't like to read text books, too boring, typical...
but no choice, studying course requires text book reading..
especially theological books.. so hard to understand...

Thank God for internet and the creation of blog...
nowadays one of my favorite reading materials is BLOG...
Thank you my friends for writing blogs periodically...
Thank you for sharing your life in such interesting way..
i just like to read ur posts... go on.. write more! :) 

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